Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009

Greatings from Sofronios Mantis Cyprus Island for Wildflowerfestival 2009

Dearest Barbara

Your passion and love for International Art, and also your
Interest and care for all Artists are surpassing every one
who is personally Involved with the phylosophy of the Origin
of Nature.

Please reseave my Allharded Congratullations and Love for
everythin you have done for me and the presentation of the
Wild Flowers of the Island of Cyprus.
Your 'Spot-Films" for the unique presentation of
'Ledra-Street' Comic Paintings and the participation of so
meny children of both comunities of Cyprus, glorifying the
use of the rose petals, and their meaning for "Etternal
Friendship" and unification of ideas and artistic
presentation, expressed at its best Your phylosophy of
"Nature Art Presentation" .

Performance by Artist Sofronios Mantis from Cyprus Island

The Artists, The Children, Your so meny Friends, and the
Physiolatrica Nature Refuge Center at the
Water Dam of Marathasa Valley are waitting for You,
for the New "Intrernational Festival of the Wild Flowers"

I Enclose the New Program of "The 2009-2010 Wild Flowers

You are allways wellcome.


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